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Australia - Say 'NO' to single-use plastic this July and do your bit for Mother Earth

Plastic pollution is a pressing environmental issue, with Australians consuming on average 130 kilograms of plastic per person each year. While plastic is a convenient and versatile material, most plastic products are designed to be used once, before being discarded. Sadly, less than 12% of plastic is recycled, and the remainder ends up in landfill, or worse, polluting our oceans and other ecosystems for hundreds of years before breaking down into microplastics.

Plastic-Free July is an environmental initiative that helps us to take action on plastic pollution.

Follow our Facebook and Instagram accounts to see the daily Plastic-Free challenges you can take up to do your bit for Mother Earth.

By minimising our use of single-use plastics, we can help ensure a cleaner, healthier future for our ecosystems and communities.

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