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Nepal- Blanket Distribution

Nepal is a country of diverse climate with varied weather conditions. Poor and helpless people sleep in rags at footpath and roadside and unfortunate ones die of severe cold.

Youth of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation Nepal (SSSSON) look forward to and keep themselves on toes ready for distributing blankets, across the country, in the night of 22nd November of every year as a warm birthday gift of Swami to inner Sai of all these Daridra Narayans. Almost around midnight, the youths are on the streets, temple premises, etc equipped with warm blankets and packets of bibhuti and Swami’s photos. Street dwellers in deep sleep are silently covered with woolen blankets; leave a small packet of bibhuti and photo of Bhagawan beside their pillow without waking them up.

This year, altogether 459 blankets were distributed across the country by Sai youth.

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